We passionately believe that supervision is a key way of enabling mindfulness-based teachers to be the best they can be and to do their work with integrity. Supervisor training and ongoing development is vital for anyone who wishes to be a mindfulness-based supervisor.

We have a team of recruited supervisors, who offer individual and group mindfulness-based supervision in the UK and beyond, to support mindfulness-based teachers to deliver their work with the highest levels of integrity.

To view all our supervisors and apply for supervision, visit the Choose A Supervisor page. Please read our Supervision FAQs and watch a short introduction video to find out more about how supervision works.

All our supervisors follow Good Practice Guidelines for Supervisors. Available supervisors are registered with a professional mindfulness association, wherever possible, such as the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA) or an international equivalent. All are deeply experienced mindfulness-based teachers who have had specific training to develop their skills as supervisors. Many also train others at the leading training organisations.

Core past and present members of the Mindfulness Network have collaborated on the following publications in relation to Mindfulness-Based Supervision: