Winnie Lee 李劉穎瑩

Winnie LEE Lau Wing Ying 李劉穎瑩

Languages語言: English 英文、Mandarin 普通話、Cantonese廣東話

I am a Registered Counselling and Educational Psychologist and have been working in the field for over 30 years. I worked as an Educational Psychologist in Australia for 9 years and a Counselling Psychologist in HK for over 20 years. Since 2015, I have been teaching part-time at the University of HK in the MSocSc (Counselling) Course and supervising students on their practicum. I also work as a freelance Counselling Psychologist and a Mindfulness-Based Intervention Therapist and Trainer, teaching MBCT, MBCT-Cancer, MBSR, Mindful Parenting and MiSP for helping professionals, school communities, organizations, people with mental health concerns and the general public. I joined the Teacher Partnership Programme of OMC in 2020 and follow the good practice guides of MBI-TAC in Mindfulness teaching.

本人為註冊輔導及教育心理學家,在心理輔導和教育方面已有 30 年以上的豐富經驗。曾在澳洲的教育部擔當了九年的教育心理學家及在香港任職為輔導心理學家20多年。她現為私人執業的輔導心理學家,並兼任大學講師和輔導的督導工作。近年致力推廣「靜觀減壓」、「靜觀認知治療」及其他以靜觀為本的訓練課程,經常為專業人士、學校、機構、精神健康病患者及大眾舉辦靜觀訓練,並於2020年加入牛津靜觀中心的教師伙伴計劃。

Qualifications 資歷

· MBI-TAC level 1 & 2 training by The Mindfulness Network & Bangor University

· Training in Mindfulness-Based Supervision, Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP/ MN)

· Foundation Course for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. Oxford Mindfulness Centre

· Foundation Course for Teaching MBSR and Teaching Intensive Course, Brown University Mindfulness Centre

· Specialist Teacher Training in MBCT for Cancer, Mayfly UK

· Advanced Teacher Training in Mindful Parenting, University of Amsterdam

· The .b Foundations Training, Mindfulness In School Project UK (MiSP)

· Registered Counselling Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society

· Registered Educational Psychologist, Health Care Professional Council UK

· Registered Psychologist, Australian Psychological Society

· Approved Supervisor, Australian Counselling Association / Hong Kong Professional Counsellors Association


· 英國MNRP/Mindful Network的靜觀為本督導訓練

· 英國牛津靜觀中心 OMC「靜觀認知療」導師訓練

· 美國布朗大學Brown University靜觀中心的「靜觀減壓」導師訓練

· 專為癌症病患者而設的「靜觀認知療」MBCT-C導師訓練

· 荷蘭「靜觀教養課程」進階導師訓練課程

· 英國MiSP「學校靜觀課程」導師訓練

· 香港心理學會註冊輔導心理學家及副院士

· 英國衛生局註冊教育心理學家

· 澳洲註冊心理學家及輔導協會註冊督導

· 香港專業輔導協會註冊督導及副院士

Teaching-Training Specialisms 教學-訓練專長

• Teaching MBCT-D/MBSR in clinical settings, for people with mental health issues

• Teaching MBCT-D/MBSR for helping professionals and care takers

• Teaching MBCT-L /MBSR for NGOs and for general populations

• Teaching MBCT-Cancer for people with cancer illness

• Teaching Mindful Parenting in schools, NGOs and for general populations

• Teaching MBI’s in schools, NGOs and work places


• 為精衶健康病患者舉辦「靜觀認知療」、「靜觀減壓」課程

• 為專業助人者及照顧者舉辦「靜觀認知療」、「靜觀減壓」課程

• 為社福機構及公眾人土舉辦「靜觀認知療」、「靜觀減壓」課程

• 為癌症病患者舉辦「靜觀認知療法」課程

• 為學校、機構及公眾人士舉辦「靜觀教養課程」

• 為在職人士,學校及機構舉辦靜觀課程

Supervision Experience 督導經驗

I am a Certified Supervisor in Psychological Counselling and I have been supervising practicing counsellors and counselling trainees for over 10 years, on various psychotherapeutic approaches, including Mindfulness-Based Interventions in psychotherapy. I have been supervising new teachers in MBCT teaching since completion of the Mindfulness-Based Supervision Training.


Supervision Specialisms 督導專長

· Supervision for MBCT-D/ MBSR teachers in clinical context

· Supervision for MBCT-L / MBSR teachers in non-clinical context

· Supervision of MBCT-Cancer for people with cancer illness

· Supervision for MBI’s in schools, NGOs and work places

· Supervision of MBI Psychotherapy in counselling

· Supra-vision

· 「靜觀認知療」(MBCT-D & MBCT-L)、「靜觀減壓」課程督導

· 「靜觀認知療-癌病」課程督導

· 督導為學校、機構及職場舉辦的靜觀課程

· 督導靜觀為本的心理治療

Supervision Rate

1 hour individual session – HK$ 800 or equivalent

½ hour individual session – HK$ $450 or equivalent

Please see our Supervision FAQs for more details on the cost of supervision.

Personal Practice 個人修習

Following the good practice of the Mindfulness Teaching guide, I have attended silent retreats regularly in recent years. I have regular meditation practice and mindful movement practice since teaching Mindfulness. I also attend online meditation practice classes organized by organizations like the Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies and the Awake Network.


Further information

