The following supervisors can supervise students on training programmes and are AVAILABLE. Some may offer additional specialisms:
When you have chosen a first and second choice from available supervisors, you should then go on to make an application by visiting: Apply for Supervision.
Claire Kelly
Jiva Masheder
Avinash Bansode
Ruth Baer
Sarah Silverton
Shelly Arkless
Trish Bartley
Alexander Irving
Kay Octigan
Ed Halliwell
Bill Young
Cathy-Mae Karelse
Nicola Mouat
Christina Shennan
Ann Pelling
Helen Marsh
Zoe Shobbrook-Fisher
Ruth Sequeira
Jerry Fox
Rosalie Dores
Colette Power
Chantek Mary McNeilage
Gwénola Herbette
Ali Lambie
Barbara Hussong
Jem Shackleford
The following supervisors can offer supervision in different languages to students on training programmes and are AVAILABLE.
Gwénola Herbette
Winnie Lee (Lau Wing Ying 李劉穎瑩)
Debbie Hu 胡慧芳
Anna Dóra Frostadóttir
Tetsuji Ietsugu 家接 哲次
Barbara Hussong
Edda Gudmundsdottir
Pang Jun 庞军
Avinash Bansode
The following supervisors can supervise students on training programmes, but they are presently UNAVAILABLE: